Communications to Communication: Media Concentration

An opportunity to gain an associate degree from Delaware Tech and a bachelor's degree from Wilmington University.

Your Path to a Bachelor's Degree

Delaware Tech has established agreements with four-year colleges and universities that connect Delaware Tech associate degree programs with bachelor's degree programs to create smooth transfer opportunities for you. These Connected Degree programs enable you to complete your associate degree and then transfer to a four-year degree program as a junior.

The Connected Degree 2+2 Curriculum

Delaware Tech's associate degree program in Communications provides essential background for students preparing for careers in the print or broadcasting media. Students will learn how to write news articles as well as how to operate radio and television equipment. Instruction is given in copy writing and in selling advertisements for different types of media. The program emphasizes hands-on experience with students serving two internships prior to graduation. Wilmington University's Bachelor of Science degree in Communication is a multidisciplinary program which draws upon courses from numerous colleges providing students the expertise needed to develop highly desirable skills in professional or technical writing and editing, public and media relations, brand management, social media and electronic communications, marketing, advertising, internal and external messaging, public speaking, and speechwriting. The Media Concentration prepares students for a large and dynamic field where professionals use strategic thinking and persuasion to create targeted social media strategies and messaging.

Value For You

By completing your associate degree at Delaware Tech, you'll receive excellent instruction in small classes at a campus close to home. Delaware Tech's affordable tuition can reduce the overall cost of your college education, making the completion of your bachelor's degree more manageable.

Making The Connection

Refer to the Connected Degree curriculum for the sequence of courses needed to complete this program. Call Delaware Tech and let us help you follow the path to your bachelor's degree.

Connected Degree Curriculum - Suggested Course Sequence

Communications (Associate Degree - Delaware Technical Community College)

First Semester (Fall)

Course Title Credits
COM 140 Newswriting I 3
COM 150 Intro. to Electronic Media 3
ENG 121 Composition 3
PSY 121 General Psychology 3
MAT 120 Math for Behavioral Sciences 3

Second Semester (Spring)

Course Title Credits
CIS 107 Intro to Computers/Applications 3
ENG 122 Technical Writing/Communications 3
COM 242 Newswriting II 3
COM 250 Photography 4
HIS 111 U.S. History: Pre-Civil War 3

Third Semester (Fall)

Course Title Credits
COM 240 Mass Media Law 3
ENG 124 Oral Communications 3
MKT 212 Principles of Marketing 3
OAT 242 Desktop Publishing 4
COM 110 Intro. to Video Production 3
XXX XXX Approved Elective** 3/4

Fourth Semester (Spring)

Course Title Credits
POL 111 Political Science 3
COM 251 Layout and Design 3
COM 293 Internship with Seminar 5
XXX XXX Approved Elective** 3/4

Communication: Media Concentration (Bachelor's Degree - Wilmington University)

Fifth Semester (Fall)

Course Title Credits
BMK 220 Principles of Advertising 3
COM 314 Technical Communication and Project Mgt. 3
GMD 105 Audio and Video for Game Design 3
DSN 105 Visual Communications 3
VMG 307 Streaming Media 3

Sixth Semester (Spring)

Course Title Credits
COM 300 Communication Theory 3
DSN 210 Digital Image Manipulation 3
BMK 355 Internet Marketing 3
DSN 320 Web Page Design 3
MAT 308 Inferential Statistics 3

Seventh Semester (Fall)

Course Title Credits
XXX XXX Elective (300/400 Level) 3
XXX XXX Elective (300/400 Level) 3
XXX XXX Elective (300/400 Level) 3
XXX XXX Elective (300/400 Level) 3
COM 332 Managing Crisis Communication 3

Eighth Semester (Spring)

Course Title Credits
COM 400 Co-op Experience 6/15

**Approved Electives: COM 142, COM246*, COM 210, COM 252, ENG 129, COM 160*. COM 152*

The number of electives required may vary depending upon the number of credits assigned to the Co-op experience.

Students must complete a minimum of 120 credits for the bachelor's degree in Communications. Course offerings by semester may vary. See your advisor. RDG 120, Critical Reading and Thinking, is a required DTCC course unless the student is exempt. Students may transfer this course as a free elective.

For More Information Contact:

Delaware Tech
Georgetown: (302) 259-6470

Wilmington University
Dover, Delaware: (302) 734-2594
Georgetown, Delaware: (302) 856-5780
New Castle, Delaware: (877) 967-5464

This articulation agreement is subject to change based on Delaware Tech and senior institution curriculum. 04/2014