General Business to Business Administration

An opportunity to gain an associate degree from Delaware Tech and a bachelor's degree from Purdue University Global.

Your Path to a Bachelor's Degree

Delaware Tech has established agreements with four-year colleges and universities that connect Delaware Tech associate degree programs with bachelor's degree programs to create smooth transfer opportunities for you. These Connected Degree programs enable you to complete your associate degree and then transfer to a four-year degree program as a junior.

The Connected Degree 2+2 Curriculum

Delaware Tech's associate degree program in General Business prepares students for entry-level technical and professional careers in a variety of business settings. In addition to required courses in accounting, management, marketing, microcomputer applications as well as related general education courses in economics, mathematics, and written/oral communication, elective courses offer the opportunity to tailor the program to meet individual employment goals or educational needs. Graduates of the General Business Program also are prepared to continue their education at the bachelor's degree level. Purdue University Global's Bachelor of Science degree program in Business Administration focuses on helping students become effective and efficient managers. Through the comprehensive online business administration degree curriculum, you will have the opportunity to develop communication and critical thinking skills as well as technical competencies to become an effective business leader, gain a detailed understanding of business functions including human resources, marketing, operations, finance, and accounting, study group behavior to establish team-building and decision-making skills and complete a capstone course in which you will demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts learned to real-world business management scenarios.

Value For You

By completing your associate degree at Delaware Tech, you'll receive excellent instruction in small classes at a campus close to home. Delaware Tech's affordable tuition can reduce the overall cost of your college education, making the completion of your bachelor's degree more manageable.

Making The Connection

Refer to the Connected Degree curriculum for the sequence of courses needed to complete this program. Call Delaware Tech and let us help you follow the path to your bachelor's degree.

Connected Degree Curriculum - Suggested Course Sequence

General Business (Associate Degree - Delaware Technical Community College)

Semester 1 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
SSC 100 First Year Seminar 1
ACC 101 Accounting I 4
BUS 101 Introduction to Business 3
CIS 107 Introduction to Computers and Applications 3
ENG 101 Critical Thinking and Academic Writing 3
MAT 145 Math of Finance or 3
MAT 153 College Math and Statistics 4

Semester 2 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
ACC 112 Accounting II 4
OAT 152 Excel Level I 3
ECO 111 Macroeconomics 3
ENG 102 Composition and Research 3
MKT 212 Principles of Marketing 3

Semester 3 (Fall)

Course Title Credits
ECO 122 Microeconomics 3
FIN 221 Money and Banking 3
MGT 212 Principles of Management 3
MAT 255 Statistics I or 3
MIS 220 Management Information Systems 3
XXX XXX Group A Elective* (Choose 1 from List) 3/4

Semester 4 (Spring)

Course Title Credits
BUS 203 Business Law 3
SOC 215 Business Ethics 3
XXX XXX Group B Elective** (Choose 1 from List) 3/4
XXX XXX Group B Elective** (Choose 1 from List) 3/4
BUS 275 Portfolio/Experiental Learning (Advisor Approval Required) 3

Business Administration (Bachelor's Degree - Purdue University Global)

Term 1

Course Title Credits
MM 255 Business Math and Statistical Measures 5
CS 204 Professional Presence 3

Term 2

Course Title Credits
AC 113 Accounting for Nonaccounting Majors or 5
AC 114 Accounting I 5
HU 200 Critical Evaluation in the Humanities or 5
HU 245 Ethics or 5
HU 250 Humanities and Culture* 5

Term 3

Course Title Credits
SC 200 Discovering Science-Current Issues in a Changing World or 5
SC 235 General Biology I-Human Perspectives or 5
SC 246 Fundamentals of Microbiology or 5
SC 250 Science for Everyday Life 5
XX XXX Open Electives 3

Term 4

Course Title Credits
MT 217 Finance 5
MT 302 Organizational Behavior 6

Term 5

Course Title Credits
LS 311 Business Law or 6
LS 312 Ethics and the Legal Environment 6
MM 305 Quantitative Analysis 6

Term 6

Course Title Credits
MT 355 Marketing Research or 6
MT 450 Marketing Management 6
MT 400 Business Process Management or 6
MT 435 Operations Management 6

Term 7

Course Title Credits
MT 445 Managerial Economics or 6
MT 480 Corporate Finance 6
MT 460 Management Policy and Strategy 6

Term 8

Course Title Credits
MT 490 Experiential Learning: Career Engagement 6
MT 499 Bachelor 6

* Group A Electives: ENG122, ENG124, HIS111, HIS112, PSY121, SOC111, SPA136. Students should choose HIS111 or HIS112 to fulfill the KU humanities requirements or PSY121 or SOC111 to fulfill the social science requirement. For the purposes of the course sequencing guide, completion of a social science elective has been assumed, but this will change based upon the student's choice.
** Business Electives: MGT218, MGT231, MKT214, MKT219, OAT121, OAT151, OAT157, OAT158, OAT159, OAT242, ACC162, or SSC130 and SSC131 and SSC132. Students should choose MGT 218 or MGT231 to fulfill KU?s 100/200-level business management elective.

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration requires a minimum of 180 quarter credits (120 semester credits). Course sequencing may vary by term/semester. See your advisor.

For More Information Contact:

Delaware Tech
Dover: (302) 857-1772
Georgetown: (302) 259-6665
Wilmington: (302) 573-5428

Purdue University Global
Heather Guessford;
Admissions Partnership: (800) 422-2670

This articulation agreement is subject to change based on Delaware Tech and senior institution curriculum changes. 10/2017